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Daily Devotions - Parents - Teens - Family Devotionals

Teen Outreach - He is my Brother

Keywords - Outreach, Addiction, Teen Suicide, Christian Youth, High School, Troubled Teenager, Witnessing, Drugs and Alcohol, The Love of Christ, Love your Neighbor, He ain't Heavy, He's my Brother


Important - Always pray before starting your Devotion. Confess your sins privately to God and ask Him to teach you during this time.


Some videos posted here are intended for older teenagers and young adults and will be marked PG-13 due to their mature subject matter.


Use the following questions to keep your family devotion time going. Dinner is a great time to get the family involved in spiritual discussion.

What message did you get from the video?

Do you know of any kids like the main character?

Is it realistic to reach out to people like this? Why or Why not?



Here are a few additional Bible sources and Christian information concerning the Daily Devotional topic on this page. Dig deep.

Teen outreach site

Share you Faith

Way of the Master

Teen Outreach - He is my Brother

Keywords - Outreach, Addiction, Teen Suicide, Christian Youth Outreach, High School Outreach, Troubled Teenager, Witnessing, Drugs and Alcohol, The Love of Christ, Love your Neighbor, He ain't Heavy, He's my Brother






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Free bible lessons on Christian Living - How to live The Christian Life.
Topics include: Seeking God, Prayer, Confession, Christian Integrity, Spiritual Gifts, Giving, Fruit of the Spirit and the Plan of God for every believer.

Free bible lessons on Eternal Life - Understanding Salvation
Topics include: The Gospel, grace, volition, justification, sanctification, propitiation, redemption, atonement, baptism and Eternal Security

Free bible lessons on Faith, Hope and Love - Living Out the Big 3
Topics Include: Saving Faith, Daily Faith, Trusting God, The Promises of God, Hope, Personal Destiny, Impersonal Love, and Personal Love.

Free bible lessons on Family Life - Maintaining God's House
Topics include: Building a Happy Marriage, Christian Parenting Advice, Media Influence in your Home, Raising Christian Teens, Christian Fellowship.

Free bible lessons on Sin and Evil - The many facets of Sin
Topics include: Original Sin, The Origins of Evil, Spiritual Death, Types of Sin, The Old Sin Nature, The Fall, Worldliness and Spiritual Degeneracy.

Free bible lessons on Blessings - God's Primary Objective for You
Topics include: Greater Grace, Escrow Blessings, Happiness, Prosperity, Peace, Contentment, Joy, Crowns, Wreaths and Eternal Rewards


Free bible study on the Life of Christ - The Man and The Message
Topics include: The Incarnation, Royal Lineage, Messianic Prophecy, His Earthly Ministry, Rejection of the King, The Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Free bible study on the Future - Explaining Bible Prophecy
Topics include: Dispensations, End Times, The Kingdom, Tribulation, The Rapture, Millennium, Middle East, Armageddon and The 2nd coming of JC.

Free bible study on the Angelic Conflict - Discovering God at War
Topics include: Elect and Fallen Angels, Satan, Heaven, Hell, Spiritual Warfare, Eden, The Trial of Lucifer, Satanic Strategy and Demonic influence.

Free bible study on the Trinity - Comprehending The God Head
Topics include: Divine Essence, Trinitarianism, Monotheism, The Triune God, The Characteristics of God, Kenosis and The Hypostatic Union.

Free bible study on Suffering - Why So Much Pain?
Topics include: Adversity, Stress, Tragedy, Divine Discipline, Suffering for Blessing, The Wrath of God, Testing, and Why Christians Suffer

Free bible study on Apologetics - Defending the Faith
Topics include: False Teaching, Apostasy, Heresy, Atheism, Cults, Bible Inerrancy, Creationism, Evolution, Virgin Birth and The Resurrection.


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